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Nhịp Cầu Giáo Lý

Bài viết được cập nhật lần cuối vào ngày 24/08/2010

Caodaism FAQ

1.Who founded Caodaism?
CaoDaism was founded in Vietnam at the beginning of the 20th century by Cao Dai, the Supreme God or the Jade Emperor through the chronological events as follows:
– At the beginning of 1921, by means of the spiritism, the Supreme God revealed Himself through the mystical name "Cao Đài Tiên Ông Đại Bồ Tát Ma Ha Tát", and officially accepted Ngô Văn Chiêu as the first disciple.
– On December 16th, 1925 (i.e., the first day of the eleventh month of the lunar year Ất Sửu), Cao Quỳnh Cư, Phạm Công Tắc, and Cao Hoài Sang set up an altar to worship the Supreme God. Then, on December 19th, 1925, He congratulated them, "How lucky you are when following Caodaism.". At Christmas Eve of 1925, The Supreme Being revealed Himself :
"I am the Jade Emperor - Supreme God - Caodai Immortal - Great Bodhisattva - Mahatattva, teaching the Way in the Southern Quarter".
"I am the eternal authority.
You get My favor by practicing the Way.
When the miraculous Way is spreaded throughout the world.
Your names will become everlasting. ."
(Collection of Divine Messages, vol.1, 1973, p.5)
Thus, Caodaism was founded by the Jade Emperor - Supreme God or Cao Dai Immortal - Great Bodhisattva - Mahatattva.

2. Who is the first disciple of His Excellency Caodai?
The first disciple of His Excellency Cao Dai is His Holiness Ngô Minh Chiêu (alias Ngô Văn Chiêu) because of the following facts:
– Early in the year 1920, in a spiritual scene held at Mr. Ngô Văn Chiêu private residence in Tân An ( currently, Long An province), a Divine Being descended and identified Himself as "Cao Dai Immortal" (Cao Đài Tiên Ông)The name had never been heard before.
– In the Mid-Autumn festival of the lunar year Canh Thân, (i.e., September 16th, 1920), Mr. Ngô Minh Chiêu recognized this name again through to the following holy verse:
"The bright moon at the High Tower is shining,
on Ngô Văn Chiêu for his awakening." 1
– Then, His Excellency Cao Dai officially adopted His Holiness Ngô Văn Chiêu as His first disciple in Phuù Quoác in early 1921. .

3. What is the purpose of Caodaism?
On the individual aspects, Caodaism aims at saving the worldly humans and guiding them away from the cycle of karma and reincarnation. On the collective aspects, Caodaism strives to renovate the human society into a world of justice and of great harmony.

More precisely, the aims of Caodaism is summarized in the Divine motto: "Great Harmony in the Temporal Way, and Complete Deliverance in the Spiritual Way".

4. What is the meaning of the "Great Harmony in the Temporal Way" ?
It refers to a human society in which everyone strives to maintain harmony and justice throughout the world. The Temporal Way offers spiritual solutions for significant world problems such as racism, intolerance, and ignorance.
The "Great Harmony in the Temporal Way" serves the world with a sense of international fraternity, without discrimination of social classes, organizations, religions, or races .
Based on humanism, the "Great Harmony in the Temporal Way" upholds human dignity and rights, and improves human nature to establish a peaceful, moral, and civilized world which Caodaists often refer as a blissful and saintly world.
In a broader sense, the "Great Harmony in the Temporal Way" supports a universal love toward all beings, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large ones, including human beings and other species. .
Nhịp Cầu Giáo Lý
THẤY TÁNH / Nhip cầu Giáo lý

KỶ YẾU CAO ĐÀI GIÁO LÝ 2 / Nhip cầu Giáo lý

KỶ YẾU CAO ĐÀI GIÁO LÝ 2 / Nhip cầu Giáo lý

Caodaism FAQ / Nhịp Cầu Giáo Lý

Cảm hoài dòng Sử Đạo / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Quan Âm Tự (Phú Quốc) / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Suy tư từ World Cup 2006 / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Sống tự nhiên / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Lẽ sống thật / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Chơn truyền là đâu ? / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Đức tin Cao Đài / Nhịp Cầu Giáo Lý

Tấm lòng của nhân loại / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Cơ đạo hi hữu / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Bản thể đại đồng nhân loại / Nhịp cầu giáo lý

Nên Người chẳng phải dễ gì đâu,
Nên Phật Thánh Tiên lại khó cầu,
Biết sửa một ly là đắc quả,
Con ôi Diêu Điện Mẹ đang sầu.

Đức Diêu Trì Kim Mẫu, Thiên Lý Đàn, 01-02 Mậu Thân, 27-01-1968

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