Những liên kết dưới đây có thể hữu ích với bạn.
Dìu dắt cùng nhau buổi thế tàn, Đừng quên sứ mạng đến phàm gian, Tình thương vô cực trên dành sẵn, Dưới ...
Thiên Lý Đàn, Tý thời 29 rạng mùng 1 tháng Giêng Canh Tuất (5-2-1970) (Đàn Giao Thừa)
Mùa tu Xuân Phân lại về với chúng tôi. Nhớ lại trước đây, mỗi độ gần tới mùa tu thì ...
Thánh thất Cầu Kho là một trong những Thánh thất đầu tiên cơ Phổ độ Công truyền (đầu năm 1926), ...
Thông thường, khi muốn nói đến một tổng thể bao gồm tất cả Trời đất vạn vật, chúng ta dùng ...
Tư tưởng Đức Phật như một buổi đại yến tiệc, mà nói như nhà thơ Bùi Giáng, chỉ cần một ...
Đức Vạn Hạnh Thiền Sư dạy: “(. . .) Luận về trong lãnh vực tu học, nơi đây nói riêng, toàn ...
(Của TRẦN HI DI TIÊN SANH) do Ngài cố Minh Thiện trích dịch năm 1960 1. Trần Lão tổ đặt bài ...
ĐH Quốc gia TPHCM vừa thành lập Trung tâm Xuất sắc John von Neumann (JVN). Đây là trung tâm xuất ...
Đừng quan niệm xây dựng Thánh Thất và kiếm được một người thủ tự để bốn thời quỳ hương cúng ...
Mỗi mùa tu vào ngày nhập khoá, chúng ta đều có dâng sớ trình danh sách tịnh viên nam nữ ...
Đức Diêu Trì Kim Mẫu dạy tại Thiên Lý Đàn vào lúc Tý thời 29 rạng mùng 1 tháng 01 ...
Bài viết được cập nhật lần cuối vào ngày 03/07/2010
Reasons Why You Should Read!
by otoabasi on June 25, 2010
Many people don't like reading and it that has become well known trait existing in our world today, especially with the younger generation and a few people my age. We would rather spend time playing videos games or watch the latest blockbuster movies or hangout with friends than spend time reading. I used to be like this in my teenage days, but when I discovered the usefulness of reading, I quickly adopted it into my system and I have not looked back since then. When I say reading, I'm not talking about school text books/handouts alone, my main reference is in on books that are not even in schools curriculum (Not talking about novels or celebrity mags either). I'm talking about books that will help develop you as a person, books that will educate you in your area of interest (Not the school way), books that will point out solutions to problems that you face on a daily basis. Books that will help you programme your life properly, and also encourage you when you're down. Those are the kind of books I'm talking about.
Anything that does not add value to your life and you keep on reading it is like saying to yourself - I know it's poison but I'm still going to drink it. Information is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to succeed in any area of life, without it, you're basically lost. I know articles or journals can be lengthy, even blogs, but if the information provided in them is what I need, I'm on it like a lion hot on its prey. Here are a few reasons why we should read:
- To learn from the experiences of others (Entrepreneurs, Business men, Investors, Athletes etc).
- To stay informed on current events (Newspapers, Articles, Blogs, Journals).
- To find solutions to problems (Tutorials, eBooks)
- To develop ourselves mentally (Books on personal growth)
- To broaden our knowledge on certain topics of interest (Cooking, travel etc).
- To enhance our vocabulary/communication skills (Marketing, Sales, Advertising etc).
- To draw inspiration (The Bible, success testimonials, quotes).
- To stay educated (Academically, Professionally and Financially).
The above points may not be the major reasons for some people, but they are necessary for anyone that is looking to break out from the stereotypical lifestyle and be successful.
Also, to be able to read effectively, you must have a proper reading plan. Why do you need this? So that way you don't get distracted by other personal commitments.
- Read when commuting alone - by train, bus/coach, cruise or plane (Please don't read and drive, that'll be suicidal, unless you're the passenger).
- Read when you're less busy at home.
- Read at the park during summer breaks.
- Utilise your local library if you're looking for a quiet place to read.
The reason we don't progress in whatever we do is because we think we know everything and would rather not take advice from others who have tasted the waters and know the how high the tides can rise (take note, they learnt from others to get to where they are). We learn everyday, take it or leave it, the choice is yours; this information age has brought about a lot of interesting developments, and people are tapping into it's resources. The good news is, the Internet has made it possible for me to be able to pass information to you with just a few clicks. If you are involved in Business (How to Run Your Business by The Book) or Network Marketing (http://tiny.cc/q3o0h), or your're looking to be an Investor (Rich Dad's Guide to Investing) , whatever your area of interest, Amazon has provided a platform for everyone to buy books at any price you feel you can afford (I buy my books there). So why waste time when there are enough materials you out there you can get for a lesser amount and gain greater knowledge for a lifetime. So start reading!! All the best!